SAS post-tensioning bars
for bridge and structural engineering.


SAS post-ten­sio­ning bars are an in­te­gral part of mo­dern post-ten­sio­ning so­lu­ti­ons in bridge con­struc­tion, struc­tu­ral en­gi­nee­ring and the up­gra­ding of struc­tu­res.

SAS bar post-ten­sio­ning sys­tems com­pri­se post-ten­sio­ning thre­ad bars and smooth bars of the gra­des SAS 950/1050 and SAS 835/1035, as well as tested and ap­pro­ved an­cho­r­a­ge ele­ments spe­cial­ly de­ve­l­o­ped for the sys­tems.

SAS bar post-ten­sio­ning sys­tems ha­ve be­en suc­cess­ful­ly in­stal­led for ma­ny ye­ars in trans­ver­se­ly post-ten­sio­ned bridges and py­lon heads. They are used world­wi­de in hall and sta­di­um con­struc­tion to tie back steel struc­tu­res and ro­pe sys­tems and as au­xi­l­i­a­ry con­struc­tion tools in bridge con­struc­tion for at­ta­ching laun­ching no­ses and form tra­vel­lers.

To im­pro­ve and en­su­re a func­tio­n­ing in­fra­struc­tu­re that meets the nee­ds of a gro­wing eco­no­my and po­pu­la­ti­on, exis­ting struc­tu­res will ha­ve to be up­graded in the ye­ars to co­me. SAS post-ten­sio­ning bar ten­dons ha­ve al­re­a­dy be­en suc­cess­ful­ly em­ploy­ed for streng­the­ning exis­ting bridges, thus pro­vi­ding eco-ef­fi­ci­ent, long-las­ting and fu­ture-ori­en­ted so­lu­ti­ons.

Mo­dern wind power plants re­qui­re sim­ple, quick and cost-ef­fi­ci­ent con­struc­tion sys­tems. SAS post-ten­sio­ning bar ten­dons in­stal­led in the ba­se and shaft help op­ti­mi­ze the con­struc­tion pro­gress, thus pro­mo­ting the mo­ve towards re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy re­sour­ces. The Eu­ropean Tech­ni­cal Ap­pro­val ETA-05/0122 of­fers de­si­gners a tested sys­tem that ta­kes all pro­ject-spe­ci­fic con­di­ti­ons in­to ac­count, e.g. post-ten­sio­ning an­cho­ra­ges, load trans­fer to con­cre­te and cor­ro­si­on pro­tec­tion.


Our cust­o­m­ers ha­ve al­re­a­dy in­stal­led our bar post-ten­sio­ning sys­tems in va­rious pro­jects, e.g. Ca­pi­tal Gate Tower in Abu Dha­bi (UAE), weir in Mont Saint Mi­chel (F) and Jo­han­nes­burg soc­cer sta­di­um (South Af­ri­ca).

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