Formwork Systems

Aicher Steel Americas form ties and Aicher Steel Americas form­work ac­cess­ories are used world­wi­de by well-known lea­ding form­work com­pa­nies and buil­ding contrac­tors to con­nect and an­chor con­cre­te form­works and scaf­fol­ding in ci­vil and struc­tu­ral en­gi­nee­ring pro­jects.

Alt­hough, form ties ma­ke up on­ly a re­la­tive­ly mi­nor part of the over­all form­work sys­tem costs, they are of es­sen­ti­al structural im­port­an­ce. They ab­sorb and trans­fer all forces ac­ting on­to the form­works and working plat­forms. The­re­fo­re, ma­xi­mum qua­li­ty and re­lia­bi­li­ty must be en­su­red.

Whe­ther it's our hot-rol­led Grade 160 (900/1100) FA, (900/1050) FC,  or our cold-rol­led 850 FS; Aicher Steel Americasform ties can be used for a wi­de va­rie­ty of so­lu­ti­ons in form­work en­gi­nee­ring.

In addition to the bars, all Aicher Steel Americas form tie ac­cess­ories are capable of handling the full ultimate load of their respective bar size and are produced with equal­ly high standards for both quality and reliability.

Aicher Steel Americas offers Formwork Ties in 15 mm (5/8"), 20 mm (7/8") and 26.5 mm (1") diameters. 

Formworks Bars overview

Type FA

Years of continued development lead to the production of our FA product line. This premium product is the only unconditionally weldable Formworks material on the market. It gives our customers the piece of mind they require when using it in the most challenging conditions available. 

Type FC

In addition, we also carry our FC line. This bar has similar mechanical properties with regards to the tensile strength of our premium product. The only difference is that the FC line is NOT suitable for welding due to its chemical properties.

Type FS

For special applications we also offer a cold-rolled continuously threaded bar, our FS line in 15 mm and 20 mm diameters. The FS line is similar to our FA products, fully weldable, with slightly lower mechanical properties due to their manufacturing process.

Stahlwerk Annahuette, the parent company of Aicher Steel Americas, has been manufacturing formworks ties and accessories for over 30 years and has become the market leader in this segment worldwide.

Stahlwerk Annahuette manufactures a variety of accessories that work in perfect harmony with all of our threaded bar products. From various anchors to hex nuts and couplers, Aicher Steel Americas will provide you with the highest quality products available to ensure a safe and efficient installation.

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