444 Townsend, San Francisco, USA



444 Townsend, South of Market, San Francisco, California, USA

RWR Construction

Construction period:
Dezember 2015 - April 2016

Construction company:
Steve Donaldson

SAS Stressteel Inc.

Scope of supply:
190 metric tons of ANP Hollow  bar, consisting of R51-800, RR76-1400 and RR76-1800. Supplied in 3 and 1 meter section requring over 6,500 couplers and seals.

The 444 Townsend is a two story converted warehouse building with 73,000-sq.ft of office space in its current configuration. The plan is to increase the height of the building in the future, our current scope it to provide the material necessary to bring the building up to the current seismic requirements. The seismic retrofit requires 297 micro-pile, placed both around the outside of the three building structures and inside the basements with depth that could exceed a 110’. The buildings will be connected to form a single structure and two additional floors will be added. This is a great application for self-drilling micro-piles to help resist the compression loads of 450 kips and tension loads of 300 kips in highly compressible San Francisco bay mud.

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